Small Garden in Berkhamsted
This narrow garden within the Berkhamsted conservation area needed a new raised deck so that the client could access the garden straight from the kitchen patio doors. Planting beds were designed to be close to the deck and the house so that they can be enjoyed whilst sitting on the deck and also from the windows.
Small gardens are a speciality at Fiona Lydon Garden Designs. Take a look at the blog page for more information on our approach to small gardens:
Build by Silverleaf Landscaping
A new area of clay pavers at the foot of the deck provides texture and contrast with the limestone behind. The view from the deck is into the newly planted trees.

The path along the decking works with the existing planting and also the new planting which was designed to hide the fences and create screening and privacy. The path leads the eye down the garden to the new gazebo.
A solid rustic gazebo was added to add interest to the end of the garden and some shade in the summer, creating a beautiful space to welcome family and friends.